Wednesday 16 March 2011

Indiapärane läätse-porgandisupp / Lentil-Carrot Soup à la India

See vürtsikas püreesupp valmib vähem kui poole tunniga. Kuigi Matu krimpsutas selle peale ainult nina ja otsustas edasi nälgida, maitses see mulle väga. Ja muidugi ei tasu unustada tervislikkuse faktorit. Pakkusime teda nädalavahetusel külalistele koos juustuküpsistega amuse bouche'ina ja ka neile meeldis. Seega läheb kordamisele.

Kuna retsept on internetist siis leiab eestikeelse retsepti siit. Lisan, et mina kasutasin tšillipipra asemel cayenne'i pipart.

This spicy purée soup takes less than 30 minutes to make and even though Martin made a face at it and decided to keep starving, I liked it a lot. We also offered some to our quests this weekend as an amuse bouche with cheese biscuits and they liked it too. Therefore, I will certainly make it again.

This recipe is from an Estonian foodblog, here. Not that you'd understand anything given you are reading this in english. Anyways, the soup should be enough for two to three people.

You'll need:
600 ml of vegetable broth
100 g of red lentils
2-3 carrots
1 stalk of celery
1 onion
2 cloves of garlic
half a red chili (I used some cayenne pepper instead)
1 tablespoonful of garam masala
1 tablespoonful of butter

Fry the garlic and onion slices in butter on medium heat until golden-brown. Add the garam masala and heat for another minute. Pour everything into a saucepan and add the sliced celery and carrots, as well as the broth, lentils and chili. Boil for 10-15 minutes on a low heat, until the carrots are soft. Purée the soup.

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