Neid suitsulõhebliine tegin vabariigi aastapäeva puhul eelroaks. Mitte just kodumaine toit, kuid väga head on nad küll ja imelihtsad teha. Kuigi ma olen paadunud pool-fabrikaatide vihkaja, tarbin ma neid siiski vahel harva olude sunnil. Kuna kogu õhtusöök oli minu õlgadele paisatud, lasin need mini pannkoogid emal poest osta. Maitsavad said nad sellegipoolest.
Vaja läheb:
32 bliin
150 g suitsulõhe
250 g maitsestamata jogurtit või hapukoort
peotäis tilli (kasutan endiselt kuivatatut)
supilusikatäis majoneesi
1-2 tl sinepit
poole sidruni mahl
Küpseta või osta bliinid. (Minu omade diameeter oli umbed 6 sentimeetrit. Tavaliselt peab isegi ostetud bliine enne soendama.) Sega hakitud till, supilusikatäis sidruni mahla, sinep ja majonees maitsestamata jogurti või hapukoorega. Aseta igale bliinile kuhjaga teelusikatäis jogurtisegu ja tükk lõhet. Pigist lõhele paar tilka sidrunit peale. Riputa kaunistuseks peale tilli ja soovi korral ka aniisiseemneid või kappareid.
I made these salmon blinis as an entrée for a dinner in the honour of the Estonian Independence day. They have always been a great hit and were so today as well. People tend to think that this kind of finger foods take ages to make but these certainly don't, especially when you buy the blinis, as I did. I absolutely hate ready-made foods and try to avoid eating such things, however, I didn't want to spend too much time messing about with them as I was making the whole dinner by myself and therefore let my mother buy these.
You'll need:
32 mini-blinis
150 g smoked salmon
250 g natural yoghurt or sour cream
a handful of dill
tablespoonful of mayonnaise
1-2 teaspoonfuls of mustard
juice of one lemon
Make or buy the blinis. (Mine were about 6 cm in diameter and usually you have to preheat even store-bought blinis.) Mix the chopped till, a tablespoonful of lemon juice, the mustard and the mayonnaise with the yoghurt. Put a big teaspoonful of the yoghurt sauce on each blini, cover with a slice of salmon. Sprinkle some lemon juice and dill on top of each blini. You may also add anise seeds or capers.
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