Eelmine nädalavahetus tegin sellist porganidikooki. Mulle see väga maitses, ei olnud liiga magus nagu ma kartsin ja kreem, milles ma algul väga kahtlesin, oli kui täpp i peal. Väga hea oli kook ka jogurti jäätisega ning kohupiimaga. Retsept on saadud siit, blogist hea toit, parem elu. Tegin ka paar muudatust retseptile: 250 ml õli tundus mulle väga suur kogus ühe koogi kohta, niiet panin 250 grammi võid, mis on niikuinii väiksema rasvasisaldusega. Veel asendasin muskovaado suhkru tavalisega, kuna minu oma oli kuskilt vett saanud ning kivikõvaks läinud ja ma ei viitsinud seda raiuma hakata. Viimaks panin poole koguse jahust täistera ja teise rafineeritud nisujahu. Kaneeli uhasin ka hulka rohkem hulka, kui retseptis nõutud oli. Nii supilusikatäie.
Last weekend I made this carrot cake. A lot of people, including my brother, get scared at the word carrot and dismiss it as vegetables in desserts is a no-no combination. However, there was no vegetable taste and I liked this cake a lot. I was not very convinced with the cream on top of the cake and thought it wouldn't add a lot but it did. However, the cake was also good with ice-cream, I had a yoghurt one, and fromage frais or quark.
I made a few adjustments to the original recipe and will write it up with them included.
Lisan veel, et seda kreemi, mis originaal retseptis on ma ei teinud, kuna või siukses kreemis tundus kahtlane. Seega üritasin ma teha toorjuustu ja valge šokolaadi kreemi. Justnimelt üritasin, kuna mu spetsiaalsesse vesivann-potti sattus mingil imekombel vist tilkk vett.
I tried making a white chocolate cream cheese mix to put on top of the cake.
Enne / Before.
Ja pärast... / And after...
Õnneks oli mul kaks pakki šokolaadi ja teisega katsetasin mikrolaineahjus.
Fortunately, I had two packs of chocolate so I decided to melt the second one in the microwave.
Seega jäi valge sokolaadi kreem mu koogilt ära.
Therefore, the white chocolate cream never made it on top of the cake.
Viimaks lisan, et arukam oleks kasutada bio tsitruselisi, kuna koor on just see koht, kuhu kogunevad kõik need mürgid, millega neid pritsitakse.
And last but not least, I suggest using biological citrus fruits as they are not sprayed with chemicals that remain in the peel.
Eesti keelne retsept on siis siin.
Here's the recipe in English:
250 g of butter
300 g of flour
1 tablespoon of cinnamon
0.5 teaspoons of soda
1 teaspoon of baking powder
200 g muscovado sugar (I used regular refined sugar)
4 eggs
peel of one orange
peel of one lemon
200 g grated carrot
150 g of walnuts
200 g cream cheese
peel and juice of one orange
a sheet of gelatin if needed
Line a spring-form with cooking paper. You may also use a muffin pan, in that case use muffin cups as well, the time will be a lot shorter as well, about 30 min. However, I used a rectangular baking tin that I covered with butter and bran.
Melt the butter and let cool. Mix the flour, cinnamon, soda and baking powder. Add the sugar. Whisk the butter with the eggs and citrus peels. Add the grated carrot and mix with the flour mixture then add the chopped walnuts. Bake at 140 degrees for an hour and 20 minutes. The cake is ready when an inserted match remains entirely clean, mine took two hours for that. Let cool.
If the cake raises a lot then you can cut the top flat as the cream would just pour down the sides. For the topping whisk the cheese with the peel and juice. If the mixture seems too fluid add a gelatin mixture. The topping will turn more solid in the freezer, however.
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