Nagu juustupulkade puhul, tegin need kaneelipulgad emale tööle kaasa. Jällegi, nad on mõnusalt krõbedad, kuid see kord magusad. Maitse on neil väga hea ja lihtne on neid teha ka.
Vaja läheb:
Katte jaoks:
2 spl tuhksuhkrut
1 tl piima
Keera ahi 190 kraadi peale sooja. Kata ahjuplaat küpsetuspaberiga. Määri lehttainas sulatatud võiga, riputa peale suhkrut ja kaneeli. Lõika tainas 1 cm laiusteks ribadeks ja keera need mõlemast otsast kinni hoides rulli. Aseta ahjuplaadile, jättes iga pulga vahele 2-3 sentimeetrit. Küpseta ahjus 10-12 minutit.
Samal ajal sulata väikses potis tuhkruhkur piimaga. Lõpptulemus võiks olla joogijogurti paksune. Nirista suhkrutmöginat pulkadele peale, kuid ära kata neid täielikult, muidu tuleb liiga magus. Lase jahtuda.
Just like the cheese sticks, I made these for my mum to take to work. These tasty yummy and are nice and crispy but this time sweet. And I can't think of anything easier and faster to make.
You'll need:
puff pastry
2 spoonfuls of powdered sugar
1 teaspoonful of milk
Turn the oven to 190 degrees, cover an oven-pan with baking paper. Roll out the pastry and using a cooking brush cover with melted butter just until it's shiny all over. Sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on top. Cut the pastry to strips and holding onto each end spin a few times. Place the sticks on the oven-pan 2-3 cm apart from each other. Repeat with each strip and when the pan is full bake it in the oven for 10-12 minutes.
Meanwhile, make the topping by heating the powdered sugar with the milk in a small saucepan. The end result should be a sticky liquid. With a small spoon spread it on the stick, but don't cover entirely as they will turn out too sweet. Let cool and munch away.
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